News ID: 430
Publish Date : 19 September 2017 - 09:15
Khodrocar Studies:

Automakers Worries about Replacing Old Platforms

The standards of car production upgraded last year this become a reason to farewell to some of the products at the end of next year. But there is a problem because there is no successor for old cars. Some experts think that not participating in major global brands supply chain is the reason for this problem.
Khodrocar – Since last year, the ministry of industry, mine and trade was working on upgrading the standards of car production and at last all the 83 new standards finalized. These standards are executed in 2019.

Most of the products will exit from production or assembling line due to the new standards and first of them is "Pride”

Saying goodbye to Pride was not that easy because some related producers such as parts makers are unhappy, even people and authorities are worried about the successor of this vehicle. Pride was an exception in the range of 200 million IRRs.

Right now, worries about the successor of other products is increasing. It is a crucial question to ask why Iran’s automotive industry is too worried about the future and it isn’t able to find a successor?

The expert of the automotive industry, Hasan Karimi Sanjari said: "The governments and automakers has different responsibilities and the government have to upgrade the quality and update products".

"The government will tight the standards in order to lead the automaker toward qualification. But we have to mention that the government doesn’t have a clear strategy” he added. "Automakers have to obey the laws and produce vehicles, according to emission and quality standards, but local automakers don’t have a complete procedure of manufacturing, stable foreign partner or international relation so there are no suitable platforms ever.”

According to Karimi Sanjari saying, Iranian automakers will buy new platforms to replace the old ones and they will continue the production till the standards and market allow even after the expiration.

 "Economy condition, exchange rate, increasing of production costs and upgrading the quality and standards are the main problems for replacing a platform without changing the price. It means that even Pride can’t have a same price replacement” he mentioned. "So, we are looking to upgrade the old platforms to reach the standards in order to keep them on production line.”

As it seems old platforms won’t have successors with the same price and the old ways will be repeated because there is no thinking of replacing old cars with new ones in Iran.

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani